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Top 5 Tips to Survive Working From Home

As we navigate through this uncertain time with "social distancing," "sheltering in place" (hello, that's me), I thought I would share my top five tips for working from home.

A little background: I have been working from home for the past decade building and growing my public relations consulting business. So, it's safe to say that I have some experience social distancing and isolation. Plus, now I'm glad I stocked up on all those comfy jumpsuits. The following tips are what I've found most useful and how I've advised other home workers throughout the years. Hope you find them useful and I'd love to hear your tips. Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy! xo

Create a routine. This can be very soothing and keep you sane. Get up at the same time and keep a bedtime schedule. Shower. Put on clean clothes that are not your pajamas. Some ideas: A cute and comfy jumpsuit, leggings and your favorite statement tee, or a maxi dress and oversized sweater. Eat your lunch and dinner at a designated time. Exercise when you can. And here's the most important tip: Make your bed. (Trust me, it makes you feels better.)

Designate a workspace. It could be your kitchen table, a favorite big chair in the corner of your bedroom, or your balcony - just make sure it's away from distraction if possible. It doesn't have to be a formal workspace. Set up shop in that place each morning. Try not to eat there or conduct any other activities there. And, it's your office, so close up shop at the same time each evening and go relax.

Come up with a plan for the next few weeks. What do you want to accomplish? It helps to put a few ideas down on paper. In addition to any regular work you may have, is there any professional development you can be doing? Now is a great time to continue learning and growing professionally. Connect with groups in your industry online. Many of them are now offering free webinars and trainings.

Take a break, or two, or three. It's best not to try to power through five, six, seven or eight hours without taking a break. Get up for a few minutes every hour. Put a load of laundry in. Clean out the cat box. Get another cup of coffee. Have a stretch. Spend a few minutes resting your mind before you get back at it.

Move. I cannot emphasize enough the value of exercise and movement on mental health. I am desperately missing my ballet community and classes, but realized years ago that my body needs to move. I used to run (2 marathons, thank you very much). I have now shifted to power walking a few miles by myself every morning. I'm researching barre classes online and have been doing some basic pilates to keep the core strength going. But for you, it might be yoga, a bike ride (my hubby) or surfing (again, my hubby). Put on upbeat tunes and get moving! Over on my Instagram stories I've been posting my "Quarantune" of the day. Hope you can check it out!

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