Yes, You Can Rock This ... How To Style Bold Pants - Look #2

I admit it. This look is kinda out there. But that's what I love about it. When it came to styling this pair of neon pink pants, I decided just to go for it. Throw caution to the wind. Have fun. Look a little nuts. Because if an electric blue faux fur jacket doesn't inspire you to pair it with neon pink pants, I don't know what will. To tone down the crazy, I simply added black strappy sandals and a bodysuit. If this look isn't your jam, see the other look I styled. A simple, pretty black lace blouse, a fringe tote and a chunky pearl chain necklace. Very wearable, but still a bold statement.
Outfit details:
Pink pants: Express
Bodysuit: Topshop
Sandals: Call It Spring
Faux Fur Jacket: Philanthropy

Outfit details:
Lace top: H&M
Fringe tote: Francesca's
Necklace: Premier Designs